Saturday, February 16, 2008

That's Entertainment

We've been catching up on our culture... seriously.

The Museum
In December Eric took me on a date to see the "Cinderella" and "Warhol" exhibits up at the UMFA. It was interesting to see Warhol's work first hand, I had no idea he had worked with diamond chips/flakes (looked like chunky glitter). The "Cinderella" exhibit was lighthearted and cross cultural and I wish it had been a little larger exhibit, not just one room, sigh. I love fairy tales.

Okay, I had no idea what we were in for when Emily and I went to the Metropolitan Opera (live broadcast) at our local movie theater. I had understood the scene to start with 3 witches, but there was a whole chorus line (so to speak) of the best group of gnarly witches I have seen! They had moved the story to take place in the 1940's. Lady Macbeth had such a beautiful voice, but holy cow, she was evil incarnate! Thank goodness Macduff stopped Macbeth and boy did Lady Macbeth get hers, ewwww horrible end to her! Very good production.

I was a little uncertain about it when Eric announced he had family tickets to the the 9:20pm showing of the U23D concert event on a school night, but wow it was great! Very good imagery on social responsibility like "coexisting" with our fellow man/religions (have you seen the coexist stickers? WWJD? I think he'd coexist.) Very cool 3D effects. Plus great music! The stage was built out with two arms, way out into the audience and when they got the crowd to sing along, wow.

Coming Soon
Eric's birthday present: tickets to Video Games Live in March.


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Video Games Live was a pretty cool concert. Would have loved more of the old school stuff, but still the special effects and the music were really neat.