Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wasatch Spring

My commute to work was a little surreal today. The weather was very odd. The picture to the left is what the mountains to the west looked like. It was very windy yesterday and that often stirs up the lake and dust and stuff. The mountains to the east of the valley were heavy with... hmmm, again what do you call it, it wasn't fog really, would that be mist? Dust? I was travelling 13th East which winds thru Draper and follows along the mountain. When I got out of the car and turned around. This is what I saw:

It's not often that "Wow!" just pops out, but today it did.
(The photo wasn't edited in PhotoShop. This is what the mountains looked like.)

- Suz


Jeanne said...

very cool! Thanks for sharing!

Jeanne said...

Suzanne, cool picture, but does this mean you have different employment- perhaps from your interview while I was there?

Suzanne said...

Yep, Jeanne, I'm back at the scrapbooking co.