Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brownies (old school)

There was something kind of nice about yesterday evening. Went to my mom and dad's and had time to visit for a bit. My mom had the Olympics on, she's always been a bit of a nut for the Olympics - time stands still :). My Dad's recovering from surgery and said he wasn't in too much pain, but honestly how fun is a catheter during a recovery period? Mom had made brownies, a big ol' pan of them. Mary Lou Broadwaters recipe - which means old school, and very good (she was our next door neighbor when I was very small.) That sheen on the top means it's gonna be good. My mom let me beg a couple off her to take home to Eric and Em. They hit the spot with the fam waiting for me at home. Thanks grandma. - Suz


Unknown said...

Oh wow!! Those look so good!! Makes me hungry! ;-)

Jared, Miranda and Max said...

Suzanne! Those brownies seriously look to die for! And its funny that your mom likes the olympics so much. I mean, its common enough-- I love them to death-- but maybe it especially runs in our family. I know while uncle Verl was staying w/ grandma and grandpa that's all he requested to watch. haha....