Saturday, August 15, 2009


New brakes on the Honda: $382
Best shakes in town: $13
New tires: $448
Awesome stopping ability: Priceless

Eric was called into work this afternoon, and I went with him. We were leaving his office, heading South on West Temple when a guy ran a red light, heading east on 6th South. He hit the Land Rover (on the left), and the white truck (on the right) and ended up completely turned around (facing West on the one way street - having done a 180.) We avoided being "in" the accident by about 6" giving us front row seats. The red car did a bang up job hitting the cars next to us, but completely missed us.

Eric's A/C & Heater have been broken for over a year. This was finally fixed on Friday - when he also had his brakes replaced. He bought new tires today. At first I thought we'd been hit, but it wasn't our car's bumper that was in front of us, but the Land Rover's. We were thankfully in a little safe bubble and were extremely grateful to be able to drive away.

Land Rover, Us (White Honda), Red Honda, White Truck


Jeanne said...

Wow, what a blessing! Glad you are safe and well, see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

We all have much to be thankful for!