Saturday, October 11, 2008

Midnight Snow

I just let the dog out and we're getting our first snow! (The dog was pretty happy to get back inside.) It was sort of snowing/slushing earlier today, but it's actually snowing fluffy flakes now. Earlier this week we mowed the yard and put the flower pots in the garage. Eric had heard we were going to have snow. I'm glad he was paying attention! I was just enjoying the autumn leaves tumbling in the wind today. I remember trick-or-treating wearing my coat. What is up with that? Covering up a costume with a coat! Okay, so Emily has the same tale to tell. Happy first snow everybody!


Jeanne said...

Happy first snow to you too! I was doing a little yard work in prep for ours too yesterday but didn't get it all done and our lawns will have to wait for Randal to get over his crud(and the snow to melt). I really didn't want it, but it came a little yesterday and more last night and this morning and evening. It is pretty though. I like your picture (as usual).

Suzanne said...

It's officially cold here. Here are some more snow pics that I took yesterday morning when I went outside to pick up the newspaper. We still have a few things to do in the yard, we have to get the apple espalier tree trained before it gets any colder. Hope Rob gets feeling better soon! Suz